Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Raising Krap (Kaine) Censorship
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Leslie Byrne's Original Wikipedia Page

Click the picture for a better view- Wikipedia is where the Raising Kaine moon bats get all their information!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Leslie Byrne: Screw the Consumers, I'm going to Paris
In the fall of 1997, the Office announced that it would have to terminate several employees, disconnect a national consumer hotline and cutback on customer service because it had exceeded its annual budget by $90,000. Part of the reason why the Office ran out of money, of course, was that Leslie Byrne took an expensive vacation to Paris on the taxpayer's dime. (Ostensibly to attend a conference, but why did her husband need to go too?)
As a result of Byrne's reckless misuse of government money, hard working folks lost their jobs, consumer's couldn't get the help they needed and, ultimately, the Republican Congress later zero-funded the Office of Consumer Affairs.
So, Leslie Byrne claims to be a crusader for consumers, but her inappropriate actions nearly closed down the Office of Consumer Affairs. Go Leslie!
There isn't a link because it happened so long ago, but interested parties can check our an article on this fiasco that ran in the Washington Post on 9/11/97.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Leslie Byrne To BullDoze Civil War Battlefields To Build Disneyworlds!
"When Rep. Leslie L. Byrne heard that another member of Congress wanted to protect a Civil War site by blocking a theme park in her Northern Virginia district, Byrne's response was swift: return fire.
Byrne (D-Va.) said she told Rep. Michael A. Andrews (D-Tex.) "that he better back off Disney, or we might have Congress investigating strip joints around the Alamo."
Ill be damned if I let Leslie the Loser drive her bulldozer over CIVIL WAR BATTLEFIELDS to build DISNEYWORLDS!
Vote Leslie, Get This:
Everywhere you see on of these:

Some Facts About Disney / Disneyworld:
"In 1995 Federal Agents raided 2 sweat shops in Los Angeles which manufactured Disney stuff. Yes, good old L.A. We're not talking Viet Nam, thousands of miles away anymore...we're talking Los Angeles! Woah! One was the Nathan J. Co. who was using kids as young as 12 to make Disney Apparel. The other was the "Too Cute' Disney Label which, on top of using kids for workers, owed a lot of money in back wages. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, most of the folks working in the "Too Cute" factory were Thai Nationals working off debts to professional smugglers who got them into the country. Only it was a debt that never got paid because it turned into a slavery kind of situation."
Disney Pays Back Wages To Contractor
The Walt Disney Company paid $903,000 to the State of California this week to cover back wages for a contractor who violated child labor, minimum wage and overtime laws while producing toy tiaras and wands.
Disney made the payment after state investigators found that the contractor, KTBA Inc., had paid some workers $1.20 an hour, far below the federal minimum wage of $5.15 an hour and the state minimum wage of $6.25.
It's been 145 years since thousands of inexperienced young men lined up to shoot each other on the hills and ridges above Bull Run. On that occasion — July 21, 1861 — twhipped the men from the North in a battle that will be remembered as the first big one of the Civil War.
A year later, on those same hills, many of the same young men were back. This time most of them were all too experienced, and they had gotten much better at their craft. It was a much bigger and costlier battle — the one fought Aug. 28–30, 1862 — but the result was the same. Another decisive Confederate victory. The two battles of Manassas made this piece of ground about 30 miles west of Washington DC one of the most historically significant in the country and a destination for hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.
The pristine 5,000-acre Manassas National Battlefield preserves the most significant areas of the fighting. But the park, which originally was way out in the country, is now very much an oasis in the midst of relentless residential and commerical development...
Of the DEADLIEST Battles in the CIVIL WAR- Many were in Virginia. These brave soldiers didn't die so that Leslie Byrne could build a Disneyworld where they fell.
Battle of Spotsylvania
Date: May 8-19, 1864
Location: Virginia
Confederate Commander: Robert E. Lee
Union Commander: Ulysses S. Grant
Confederate Forces Engaged: 50,000
Union Forces Engaged: 83,000
Winner: Confederacy
Casualties: 27,399 (18,399 Union and 9)000 Confederate)
Battle of Chancellorsville
Date: May 1-4, 1863
Confederate Commander: Robert E. Lee
Union Commander: Joseph Hooker
Confederate Forces Engaged: 60,892
Union Forces Engaged: 133,868
Winner: Confederacy
Casualties: 30,099 (17,278 Union and 12,821 Confederate)
Battle of The Wilderness
Date: May 5-7, 1864
Confederate Commander: Robert E. Lee
Union Commander: Ulysses S. Grant
Confederate Forces Engaged: 61,025
Union Forces Engaged: 101,895
Winner: Inconclusive
Casualties: 25,416 (17,666 Union and 7,750 Confederate
Battle of Second Manassas
Date: August 29-30, 1862
Location: VirginiaConfederate Commander: Robert E. Lee
Union Commander: John Pope
Confederate Forces Engaged: 48,527
Union Forces Engaged: 75,696
Winner: Confederacy
Casualties: 25,251 (16,054 Union and 9,197 Confederate)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Did Gerry Get a Divorce in 1997?
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County - Civil System
Case Number: 02C97038635
Case Type: Divorce-AbsoluteFiling Date:06/23/1997
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: Disposition Date:10/09/1997
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Address: 1437 JERROLD PLACE
City: CROFTONState:MDZip Code:21114
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Address: # 820
City: ALEXANDRIAState:VAZip Code:22307
From that asshole Lowell:
I like and respect Doug Denneny, which is why I was so disappointed to receive this negative attack email (against Leslie Byrne) from his campaign:
Here's the presser that asshole Lowell was referring to:
Contact: Kevin Franck, 443-254-0164
March 21, 2008
Commander Denneny More Qualified Than Byrne to Lead on Iraq Issue
Denneny In Midst of National Media Blitz on Anniversary of Heroic Iraq Air Raid
Fairfax, VA- While Leslie Byrne has endorsed an Iraq war plan developed by a public relations firm, Commander Doug Denneny continues a national media blitz discussing his own plan for a smart, phased withdrawal.
"I'm glad Mrs. Byrne has finally found a plan to end the war in Iraq, unfortunately it's not her own." said Denneny Communications Director Kevin Franck. "Commander Denneny has his own plan based on his experience on the ground in Iraq, at the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill."
Noting that the "responsible plan" endorsed by Byrne was developed by a public relations firm, Franck said, "Our servicemembers' lives are on the line in Iraq. They don't need slick talking points or political spin. They need real leadership." Franck added, "Commander Denneny will bring our troops home in a smart, phased withdrawal and he doesn't need a PR consultant to tell him how to do it."
Commander Denneny served over twenty-two years as a U.S. Naval Flight Officer. He is a former TOPGUN instructor and earned the Distinguished Flying Cross with a "V" for valor while commanding a fighter squadron during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He went on to work for the Joint Chiefs of Staff as a legislative liaison. After retiring from the Navy, he turned to local leadership in Fairfax County as President of his neighborhood citizens' association and a member of multiple committees and task forces.
Tisk. Tisk.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Lezlie's Legislative Priorities
Was Gerry Drunk? Beligerant? Both?
Hmmm. Isn't it a little unusual that such a high-ranking office would write what turned out to be a minor speeding ticket?
Did officers on the scene call for a supervisor to deal with an unruly politician?
Or did Gerry have to call in a favor (and gawd knows he must have some chits to cash in) to avoid a more serious charge? Perhaps a charge that might have ended his public career if it was exposed?
Stay tuned, I hear Emily's List is on the case.
Case Number: GT07003344-00 | File Date: 04/04/07 | Complainant: KITZEROW LT | Locality: CITY OF FAIRFAX |
Defendant: CONNOLLY, GERALD EDWARD | Defense Attorney: | ||
City/State Address: FAIRFAX, VA 22031 | |||
Sex: Male | Race: White Caucasian (Non-Hispanic) | | DOB: 03/30/**** |
Charge: FAIL TO OBEY TRAFFIC SIGNAL | Code Section: 46.2-833 | Case Type: Infraction | Class: |
Amended Charge: | Amended Code Section: | Amended Case Type: | |
Offense Date: 03/31/07 | Arrest Date: 00000 |
Apparently there are also pictures of the incident in question...
Thursday, March 6, 2008
About Me, Leslie and Jim Webb!
Well to our friends and enemies, We apologize for our long absence-
First, thanks for the website hits and fan / hate mail! We will respond ASAP!
But as (Conservative / Democratic / Progressive )political operatives we have had other, more pressing professional responsibilities.
In any case- this website it about the TRUTH! And the truth of the matter in the 11th District is, that the Democrats, or as Leslie Byrne would say of Mark Warner-DEMO-RATS, will probably win.
Thus it comes down to the independents and conservative leaning individuals to ensure that Lefty, the Loser Leslie goes back into the political graveyard she has been digging herself for the last 20 years- For as Leslie would say- we're going to end up with Mark Warner, the "Republican Light" "Rat" who, according to Leslie wont let minorities vote for him- It is all the more important that we independents and Conservatives, and (gasp) progressives (progressive as in not beholden to machine / party candidates) wish to have the slightest chance at fair representation- Myself and the committee of Public Safety (Made up of a Republican, a Independents, a Democrat, and a Progressive) feel obliged to put each, and every candidate through the ringer, to shake them upside-down and watch the corruption fall out!
Thus for, each, and every candidate will be torn to pieces- here for your and our enjoyment. There is a lot of dirt to go through, but since we all mutally despise Leslie the Loser- we will finish up with her, then move onto Lori Alexander, Gerry Connolly, Dough Denneny and Keith Fimian.
So, here is your 'insider' political gossip drop:
-Today, Senator Jim Webb lost quite a bit of credibility for tepidly endorsing Leslie the Loser.
Why, in the world would a decorated war hero endorse a college drop out Mormon / Moron like Leslie you ask?
Very simple- but put on your thinking caps!
1. Think Harris Miller v. Jim Webb primary
2. Gerry Con-me endorse Miller right off the bat
3. Thus, for the shameless hack Leslie- she figured- (and I quote her exact internal thoughts- thanks to a former staffer:) "Well I might as well hedge my bets, endorse Webb and the worse thing that can happens is that if he loses it will all be water under the bridge!"
4. What, if anything did Leslie do, exactly to help Webbey win?
5. Not a damn thing- Very few joint public appearances. Perhaps she sent him some of her Jimmy Hoffa contacts (Paid him off, hey after all- even cheap 'Just For Men' Orange Hair Dye is expensive when you use it every day!)
6. Can't imagine Leslie playing well for Webbey in Southern Virginia, after all you Demo-Rat ass-clowns gave my Republican buddies the Lt. Gov and Attorney General Seat by nominating Leslie, the Loser!
7. So, why did Webby take the plunge?
8. Remember Webb. George ‘Macca’ Allen?
9. Perhaps he was onto something with the TAILHOOK SCANDAL!
10. PERHAPS WEBBEY was afraid that his completely understandable and rationally, but politically damaging HE-MAN-WOMAN-COMBAT-HATING tendencies would come back to bit him in the ass if / when / soon he get the Demo-RAT Vice Presidential nomination?
11. THINK THINK! THINK! (It hurts a little bit, but you’ll be better off in the long run-- we promise!)
PS: Look in your voter file for someone who voets R, but voted Demo-Rat in the last primary!
More clues soon!
Keep the hits / fan / hate mail coming!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Leslie the Loser Goes Negative

- "'Byrne said she has an advantage over her two potential primary opponents because she is an experienced legislator. She would enter the House of Representatives with one term of seniority and more experience."Being an executive is not quite the same thing as being a legislator," said Byrne.
- Leslie's legislative successes:
- This picture was taken today. On the stump, Leslie is claiming that her token legislative fix- requiring trucks to cover their cargo is some astonishing accomplishment. Ill have to read that bill, but im guessing the language is slightly less complicated then a bill to withdraw the US Military from Iraq.
2. One term of seniority?
I don't see how this is a plus. Seems sort of strange to campaign on 'experience' from just 2 years in office, after which Leslie has done nothing but lose campaign after campaign.
So Leslie is in favor of the seniority system?
"And the House went even further, empowering party leaders to choose committee chairmen -- and remove them -- without any consideration of seniority. The rule changes altered the way the House worked. Power was far more centralized, making the body more efficient..."
Member of a party with the most unbroken service… Does not take into account individual expertise of members, the ability to have a good working relationship with other members, or loyalty to the party's general objectives and programme…. Resulted in most of the chairman being much older than the average member.. 'senility system' Seniority system helped those members who were from one-party areas where, in practice they faced little real competition at
elections." (The American Political Process- by Alan R. Grant- 2004)
The Seniority System Isnt Automatic.
Times Have Changed.
Many current and former elected officals have been quoted expressing their distain for Leslie and her 'slash and Byrne' style of politics. Leslie hasnt been to kind hereself.
Thus, in the unlikley event Leslie was elected- she and the citizens of Virginia's 11th district would be in the back bench.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Leslie Byrne Breaks Democratic Party Rules, Corrupts 11th District and Fairfax Democatic Committee

Is Larry Byrne acting in the best interests of the entire 11th District Democratic Party of Virginia, or just his wife’s? Thankfully, there are rules against such blatant corruption! Check out the Democratic Party Of Virginia's BYLAWS!
Section 6.6 Duties
Each district committee shall have entire charge and full control of all matters relating to congressional nominations and elections within its district. It shall be the duty of each district committee to perfect the Democratic organization within its district, and see to the proper discharge of their duties by county and city committees or other constituent committees within the congressional district. Committee members should know and understand their responsibility under Section 10.8 and the exception stated in Section 10.9.
Section 6.7 Removal from District Committee
Each district committee may remove from office and membership on the Central Committee and the district committee any member who shall miss three (3) consecutive meetings without cause or who shall be guilty of neglect of any duty imposed upon such members. ...
Section 6.8 Nomination of Candidates for House of Representatives
It shall be the duty of each district committee to fix the time, place and method of nominating in its congressional district a Democratic candidate for the United States House of Representatives....
Section 10.8 Party Support
No Democratic committee member or officer of any Democratic committee shall publicly support, endorse, or assist any candidate opposed to a Democratic nominee. In the event any Democratic committee member shall undertake such public activity, the appropriate Democratic committee shall remove said person from office. Such action shall not be taken without at least ten (10) days written notice to the accused member and an opportunity for him or her to refute such charges. In the event that no action is taken against such person, the district committee shall initiate the necessary action. The Steering Committee may take further action within the thirty (30) days after the receipt of a written complaint by any member of the Democratic Party in relation to such matters.
Section 10.9 Candidate Support
The obligations and duties imposed on any county, city or district committee or the Central Committee and their members in this Plan shall not be deemed to require support of any candidate who is publicly supporting a nominee on the ticket of any other political party in any general election where Democratic candidates for office appear on the ballot, or who publicly supports any other candidate opposed to a Democratic nominee.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Great Scoop by RK!= "Mudcat: Clintons are no friend of "my people out in rural America"
See RK for more...
And I didn't even know this when I wrote the last post! True Story! Obama 08!
Bloody Wednesday!: Tom Davis, Rudy, Edwards Call it Quits
In terms of a winning ticket for Northern Virginia, the question now turns to a game of 'which one of these is not like the others'
- Obama- Warner- Byrne
- Obama- Warner- Connolly
- Obama- Warner- Denneny
- Obama- Warner - Alexander
Why no Hillary?- Well because with Edwards out, and Obama's speech coming before Edwards announcement praising Edwards, as well as the speculation that Obama would offer Edwards Attorney General- I think we will see at least 75% Edwards supportes vote for Obama, and Edwards' delegates going to Obama... Plus with Rudy going to McCain, and rumors of Arnold signing on too, Democrats would be wise to think of who realistically can win against McCain.
Congressman Davis Will Not Seek Re-election
January 30,
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA-11th) announced today he willnot run for re-election in 2008. Davis issued the following statement on his decision: “After much soul-searching and discussion with those closest to me, I have decided the time is right to take a sabbatical from public life. I will serve out the remainder of my term, and plan to remain an active contributor to Republican causes, but will not run for office in 2008. “I have not yet decided what opportunities to pursue when I depart Congress. But it’s clear to me that returning to the private sector and reacquainting myself with that view of the world is the best move for me and my family.“I am confident we will keep this seat in Republican hands. Especially if my foolish Democratic friends nominate Leslie Byrne! Voters in the 11th congressional district will be looking for the most honest and optimistic candidate out there. “I want to emphasize that I am not closing the door on future public service, but after 29 years in office, winning 11 elections, I think it is time for a respite. “I am forever grateful to my constituents for the trust they have placed in me over the years. I think I have left Northern Virginia and the capital region better than I found it. Meanwhile, there is much left to accomplish during the remainder of my term, and I plan to work harder than ever this year across party lines for my district, the region, and America.”
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Leslie Byrne Intimidating Women
Another candidate has emerged in the 11th Congressional race this year on the Democrat side, racheting their number up to 4. But what makes Lori Alexander interesting is that she seems to have gotten more attention than her candidacy
The answer is a resonding YES! Leslie, The Loser will once, and forever be buried in the political graveyard!
would deserve . . . from Leslie Byrne. Leslie The Loser is looking over her shoulder now at a younger women without all her baggage that could take just enough votes away from her to seal the deal for Gerry Connolly. Probably not,
but this little bit from Bill Turque, the DCPost's best Virginia writier, merits interest as a reflection on how Byrne treats people: Mount Vernon Democrat Lori Alexander, who filed this week to enter the 11th Congressional District race, reports that she got a nasty welcome into the contest Thursday night in Mount Vernon. She said a woman who identified herself as a supporter of former Rep. Leslie L. Byrne, one of the two other formally announced candidates, "sort of threatened me aggressively and told me I shouldn't run."
"She poked me in the shoulder and told me I'd better think long and hard about what I'm doing," said Alexander, 40, a physical therapist at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington. Alexander said she knows the identity of the woman, who she described as somewhat older, but declined to disclose her name because she doesn't want to inflame the situation.
Alexander said the encounter took place shortly before she spoke to the Mount Vernon Democratic Committee. The woman came up to her and asked if "if I was working for Lori Alexander." She said that when she confirmed that she was Lori, she got the poke in the shoulder. Nice. I think the field might be getting a little crowded for Leslie, and she's getting nervous. One-on-one, she has the best chance of defeating Gerry Connolly; but when the liberal/grassroots vote is split between Byrne, Denneny, and now Alexander . . . yikes. Could it be that Leslie Byrne is on her way to losing AGAIN?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Leslie Byrne Like Unions, If The Price Is Right?!
If you didn't hear about the writers visit to Washington DC yesterday:
Writers from Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report” may be on strike, but they still put on quite a show Wednesday for members of Congress and the media. In a mock debate held in the Rayburn House Office Building and moderated by former White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers, the comedy writers addressed concerns raised during the 12-week-old dispute between the Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. Representing the WGA cause were “Daily Show” writers Rob Kutner, Tim Carvell and Jason Ross, each wearing casual attire. Arguing the studio- and network-executive side were suit-wearing writers Michael Brumm, Peter Grosz and Tom Purcell, and Leslie Byrbe who appropriately craft union-despising materialObviously I have inserted Leslie Byrne into this story becuase although she touts her union endorsements, she saw fit to selfishly auction off tickets to the Daily Show to support what will surley be another loosing campaign.
for mock right-winger Stephen Colbert. And although the debate was a farce, the issues were real. Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), whose district includes much of the writer-heavy Upper West Side of Manhattan, kicked off the event. “An acceptable deal is what they need and deserve,” Nadler said of the writer’s guild. Five other WGA-supporting members of Congress — all Democrats — followed: Reps. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, Stephen I. Cohen of Tennessee, Rush Holt of New Jersey, and John Hall and Anthony D. Weiner, both of New York. While lawmakers raised serious issues, such as worker and intellectual property rights, they also couldn’t resist doing a little stand-up. There were some numbers tossed around that supported the WGA side, such as how the studios rake in $95 billion annually versus the average guild writer’s income of $62,000. But the executives and Leslie Byrne still argued that the writers were overpaid: For example, the average scribe makes more than a volunteer fireman or even Jesus when he was working as a carpenter. But they did offer an olive branch to the writers — a raise of “negative 50.” “Shut up and get back to work, or we’re going to replace you with 'American Gladiators,'” they said…Following the debate, Winship fielded questions about the event, which he said was an effort “to increase congressional and public awareness.” But away from the Hill, are the issues gaining traction throughout the country, specifically on the campaign trail? “It has been an issue,” Winship told Politico after the debate. “I think it’s difficult for a lot of candidates because they walk a very thin line between the creative communities and the networks.“Obviously there’s a lot of fundraising that takes place with the studios or networks,” Winship said of the candidates. “On the other hand, there’s a lot of fundraising that takes place within the creative community. ... So I think they’ve had to walk that delicate line.” Since the strike began on Nov. 5, Democratic candidates’ refusal to cross the picket line led to CBS canceling a debate. And former Sen. John Edwards personally joined up with striking writers in New York City. As expected, the Republican candidates joined by Leslie Byrne are not supportive of the striking writers, including Mike Huckabee appearing on "The Tonight Show" the evening before the Iowa caucus. Huckabee later maintained his innocence, saying he had been confused and thought the writers had made a deal with Jay Leno’s late-night show. The “Daily Show” writers could have had a field day with that one.
Lowell Feld and I drew the ticket winner for the Daily Show. James was our first entry for the drawing, which ended up raising over $3,000. Thank you to all that entered. I hope you had fun with this different type of fundraiser. If you have other ideas for some interesting ways we can engage people in helping us raise the necessary funds for this campaign, send them along.
Leslie's current and past campaigns have been funded on money taken from special interests, especially unions. It seems the writers haven't given her enough money. Send Leslie a message or leave her a comment and let her know thats its time to return to the political graveyard
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
New Candidate in Virginia's 11th Demcoratic Primary
Good luck to Lori, the more the merrier!
Needless to say, her entrance would be bad news for Leslie Byrne:
- With another woman on the ballot, Leslie loses a few pages out of her copy of the Hillary Clinton playbook and can no longer pull the gender card.
- Some voters, especially seniors might be confused (Leslie / Lori)
In other news, Fairfax County Chairmen Gerry Connolly spoke to the Fairfax County Democratic Committee about MLK day and the Democrats prospects for 2008. Connolly was invited by FCDC President Scott Surovell, which appeared to have annoyed Byrne as she and her staff left the room as Gerry began to speak.
Also in attendance were 11th District Candidate Doug Denneny and 10th District Candidate Judy Feder.