"When Rep. Leslie L. Byrne heard that another member of Congress wanted to protect a Civil War site by blocking a theme park in her Northern Virginia district, Byrne's response was swift: return fire.
Byrne (D-Va.) said she told Rep. Michael A. Andrews (D-Tex.) "that he better back off Disney, or we might have Congress investigating strip joints around the Alamo."
Ill be damned if I let Leslie the Loser drive her bulldozer over CIVIL WAR BATTLEFIELDS to build DISNEYWORLDS!
Vote Leslie, Get This:
Everywhere you see on of these:

Some Facts About Disney / Disneyworld:
"In 1995 Federal Agents raided 2 sweat shops in Los Angeles which manufactured Disney stuff. Yes, good old L.A. We're not talking Viet Nam, thousands of miles away anymore...we're talking Los Angeles! Woah! One was the Nathan J. Co. who was using kids as young as 12 to make Disney Apparel. The other was the "Too Cute' Disney Label which, on top of using kids for workers, owed a lot of money in back wages. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, most of the folks working in the "Too Cute" factory were Thai Nationals working off debts to professional smugglers who got them into the country. Only it was a debt that never got paid because it turned into a slavery kind of situation."
Disney Pays Back Wages To Contractor
The Walt Disney Company paid $903,000 to the State of California this week to cover back wages for a contractor who violated child labor, minimum wage and overtime laws while producing toy tiaras and wands.
Disney made the payment after state investigators found that the contractor, KTBA Inc., had paid some workers $1.20 an hour, far below the federal minimum wage of $5.15 an hour and the state minimum wage of $6.25.
It's been 145 years since thousands of inexperienced young men lined up to shoot each other on the hills and ridges above Bull Run. On that occasion — July 21, 1861 — twhipped the men from the North in a battle that will be remembered as the first big one of the Civil War.
A year later, on those same hills, many of the same young men were back. This time most of them were all too experienced, and they had gotten much better at their craft. It was a much bigger and costlier battle — the one fought Aug. 28–30, 1862 — but the result was the same. Another decisive Confederate victory. The two battles of Manassas made this piece of ground about 30 miles west of Washington DC one of the most historically significant in the country and a destination for hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.
The pristine 5,000-acre Manassas National Battlefield preserves the most significant areas of the fighting. But the park, which originally was way out in the country, is now very much an oasis in the midst of relentless residential and commerical development...
Of the DEADLIEST Battles in the CIVIL WAR- Many were in Virginia. These brave soldiers didn't die so that Leslie Byrne could build a Disneyworld where they fell.
Battle of Spotsylvania
Date: May 8-19, 1864
Location: Virginia
Confederate Commander: Robert E. Lee
Union Commander: Ulysses S. Grant
Confederate Forces Engaged: 50,000
Union Forces Engaged: 83,000
Winner: Confederacy
Casualties: 27,399 (18,399 Union and 9)000 Confederate)
Battle of Chancellorsville
Date: May 1-4, 1863
Confederate Commander: Robert E. Lee
Union Commander: Joseph Hooker
Confederate Forces Engaged: 60,892
Union Forces Engaged: 133,868
Winner: Confederacy
Casualties: 30,099 (17,278 Union and 12,821 Confederate)
Battle of The Wilderness
Date: May 5-7, 1864
Confederate Commander: Robert E. Lee
Union Commander: Ulysses S. Grant
Confederate Forces Engaged: 61,025
Union Forces Engaged: 101,895
Winner: Inconclusive
Casualties: 25,416 (17,666 Union and 7,750 Confederate
Battle of Second Manassas
Date: August 29-30, 1862
Location: VirginiaConfederate Commander: Robert E. Lee
Union Commander: John Pope
Confederate Forces Engaged: 48,527
Union Forces Engaged: 75,696
Winner: Confederacy
Casualties: 25,251 (16,054 Union and 9,197 Confederate)